One Mississippi, Two...
“1 Mississippi, 2 Missisippi, 3 Missisippi" is a practice of counting as close to a second as possible. Because the word "Mississippi" is so long, it takes up enough time to make each number count equal to the passing of one second of time. When you are knitting and counting just like as when you say “One Mississippi, Two...” both of these will help relax and calm your mind and body. So next time when you need to calm down and relax and you don’t have your knitting, LOL, count “One Mississippi, Two... And we all remember as children, playing hide-and-seek counting “One Mississippi, Two...”
“One Mississippi, Two...” is a calming pale green with blue, green, orange, and brown speckles.
Available in the following yarn bases. For a listing of all yarn bases click here. Yarn Bases
Care of your hand knit garments
Please hand wash cold or lukewarm water and lay flat to dry. Even though this yarn does contain superwash merino, I do always recommend that you hand wash your knitwear. We use colorfast acid dyes for dying our yarn, and rinse until water runs clear. There may be a chance that some dye may bleed slightly in the first wash of your finished item. This does sometimes happen for speckled yarn and stubborn colors that are prone to bleed. For the first couple of washes, hand wash separately to be sure that no further bleeding.
There are no dye lots. We always try to sell from same dye lots but if not sure, we recommend blending the skeins as you work. Color saturation can differ from different dyelots.